BAA Melayani : General Contraktor & Supplier,Radio Plant,Labour Suply,Outsourcing Service,Supplyer IT

Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010

Produk Knoledge

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Budaya 5 R (Ringkas, Rapi, Resik, Rawat, dan Rajin) atau dalam bahasa aslinya 5 S yang notabenenya diterapkan oleh perusahaan – perusahaan sekala besar, menunjukkan pandangan “meremehkan” terhadap program mempercantik kantor, mall dan pabrik menjadi suatu kebutuhan.

Dengan Tenaga profesional yang memiliki kemampuan dan pengalaman di bidangnya, CV.BAA, siap untuk menjadikan suasana perusahaan anda higienis, bersih dan rapi, sehingga karyawan dan tenant serta pengunjung akan betah dan merasa nyaman untuk bekerja sehingga secara umum produktifitas perusahaan ikut naik, untuk itu kami menyediakan layananan:


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Culture 5 R (Compact, Neat, Clean, Treat, and Diligent) or 5 S in the original language that in fact applied by the company - a large scale companies, shows the view "disparaging" to beautify the program offices, malls and factories became a necessity.

With professionals who have the ability and experience in the field, CV. BAA, the company is ready to make your hygienic atmosphere, clean and neat, so that employees and tenants and visitors will feel at home and feel comfortable to work so that the overall productivity of the company come up, for which we provide services:

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1. Kasir 1. Teller

2. Layanan Konsumen 2. Customer Service

3. Telemarketing 3.Telemarketing

4. Promosi Penjualan 4. Sales Promotion Girl / Boy

5. Kebersihan 5. Cleaning Service

(Alat dan Kimia) (chemical and tools)

6. Administrasi 6. Administration

7. Operator Produksi 7. Production Operator

8. Office Girl / Office Boy 8. Office Girl / Office Boy

9. Sopir 9. Driver

10. Penyedia Tenaga Buruh 10. Labour Suply

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